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General Manager


Stencil drawing of a dog's head and body

General Manager


Hi! My name is Karina and as far back as I can remember I’ve had a passion for animals. When I was younger I would rescue various animals and sneak them into my home hoping I could keep them. My husband would tell you that’s still true to this day!

I was born and raised in New Jersey and went to Penn State where I earned my Hospitality Degree. Throughout the years, I’ve moved up and down the East Coast gaining a dog or two along the way. I fell in the love with the southern charm of Charlotte, NC and decided this is where I wanted to make my home. My husband and I moved here with our three fur babies, two snakes and many fish.

I’ve had many changes in my life but this one is by far the most exciting. I love working with people, building meaningful connections and working with animals. I’m so excited to join the PetSuites team and share my love with the fur babies that love us unconditionally.